Kaspersky Internet Security Error 0x80000046 Problem | Quick Guide To Fix It
Kaspersky internet security error code 0x80000046 occurs when the antivirus software program fails or crashes while running. This error is also known as Incorrect task settings and runtime error. It indicates the zero scan time of the program. Additionally, this error will stop to proceed with software tools which are included in the product to protect your system from the attacks of cybercriminals such as viruses, malware, trojans, spyware, adware, etc. When the error encounter, you are willing to take Kaspersky technical support to remove the error as soon as possible. Our team is providing easy steps to resolve the error in the below section. You need to follow them thoroughly. Signs of code error 0x80000046 · When the error displays on the screen it crashes the active program window. · Your computer usually crashes with Error 0x80000046 when running the same application. · Incorrect task settings message will pop up. · Windows run...